Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why do we see light followed by sound in thunder storm?

When thunder and lightning occur in a thunderstorm, we first see the light followed by the sound. Normally sound travels in waves and we can hear the sound when these waves hit our ears. Similarly light also travels as waves.

The speed of light in air is around is 30, 00, 00,000 meter per second.  This can be written as 3 x 108 ms-1.
But the speed of sound in air is only around 330 meter per second.  
So, the light travels very much faster than sound.
In a thunderstorm lightning is in the form of light waves and thunder is in the form of sound waves. Even though both thunder and lightning start from a point at the same time, lightning reach faster than thunder. Since the speed of the light is faster than the speed of the sound, we see light followed by sound.

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